
Investing in esports in Poland: the due diligence ABC

Last week (December 10, 2019) I had the pleasure to speak at a conference called The Rise Of Esports Investments Poland & CEE. It was the first conference dedicated to esports-oriented investors and businesses organised by the Esport & Gaming Forum together with Santander Bank Polska. I was asked to talk about the legal perspective on investing in esports organisations.

In a short and concise talk I discussed the due diligence aspects of investing in an esport organisation. I figured that the profile of the event was a perfect forum for that topic, as the subject matter should interest both investors looking for a suitable target company and organisations looking for financing. After all, they either want to know where to look for potential risks in an organisation or what to clear to the maximum extent, before starting to look for an investor.

Starting off with a list of areas of a typical due diligence investigation, I went on to lay out in detail the aspects in each of them that relate strictly to esports organisations. If you are interested in this topic, please see the slides from the presentation attached below. In for a more in-depth discussion? Drop me a line at krzysztof@legalplay.pl!

Game Industry Law Summit Vilnius 2020

The dust has not yet settled after the Game Industry Conference 2019 in Poznań, but we already have more exciting news for you!

At the turn of April and May 2020 Anna Kobylańska and Krzysztof Muciak will represent KL&M Law / LegalPLay at the 6th international Games Industry Law Summit in beautiful Vilnius, Lithuania.

The Summit is one of the most prestitgious (and fun) events for video game industry lawyers in this part of the world. We are very excited, even more so, because Anna Kobylańska was asked to be one of the judges in the panel of the GILS’s Legal Challenge – a moot court dedicated exclusively to the video game industry, alongside some of the best experts in the field! Rumour has it that the dispute to be resolved will be a royalty dispute between a developer and a publisher.

We already cannot wait till the spring!

If you would like to talk to us during the Summit, contact us at connect@legalplay.pl.


Anna Kobylańska

After GIC2019

Yesterday evening I returned to Warsaw from the Game Industry Conference 2019 in Poznań. It was the first big event that I participated in under the banner of LegalPlay.

I had a blast socialising with many interesting people from the game development industry, participating in great lectures and panels and – of course – visiting the stunning display of video games variety at the Poznań Game Arena fair.

On Sunday I gave my presentation regarding remuneration models in game development contracts. I am very happy that it met with a warm reception and that people found it practical and useful. If you, too, are interested in seeing the slides from the presentation, drop me a line at krzysztof@legalplay.pl and I will send them to you.

I returned from Poznań energised and inspired. Expect new posts on the blog and new initiatives of LegalPlay very soon!


Meet us at GIC 2019!

We are happy to inform that Krzysztof will be featured as a speaker at the Game Industry Conference (GIC) 2019 in Poznań, Poland (17-20 October 2019)!

Krzysztof will give a presentation on remuneration models in game development agreements.

If you are in Poznań and want to say hello, invite Krzysztof on GIC’s MeetToMatch or drop him a line at krzysztof@legalplay.pl.